This blog is the occasional thoughts of a writer addicted to Africa. I'm the author of 20 thriller novels set in Africa, with a 21st on the way, and several non-fiction biographies. Join me on safari, virtually or for real. More information on me and my books at
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A virtual safari...
Here are a few more reasons why we spend as much of our time in Africa as we can...
Anonymous said…
Pip,Pip Why put a new gear stick in when you have an adjustable spanner lying around doing nothing
Anonymous said…
Wow! Beautifull. I've also seen the little rhino's once and they are just gorgeous. We had a ute with gearbox problems and had to switch the engine off, then put it in reverse incase the mum charges us. She didn't phew. So we slowly passed them safely, but she kept her little eyes on us all the time.
Why put a new gear stick in when you have an adjustable spanner lying around doing nothing
I've also seen the little rhino's once and they are just gorgeous. We had a ute with gearbox problems and had to switch the engine off, then put it in reverse incase the mum charges us. She didn't phew.
So we slowly passed them safely, but she kept her little eyes on us all the time.