Messing about on a Zimbabwean houseboat

True to my word, Legion of Fans (LOF), I am back and blogging. If you don't mind, I'm using this blog as a "portal" (you should waggle the first and second fingers of both hands when saying that word) to link to my other blogs, at Africa Geographic and Getaway Magazines.

The latest missive from me on Africa Geographic, here is about my recent trip on board the good ship (and I do mean ship), Return to Eden.  Return to Eden is a fantastic houseboat on Lake Kariba. I had my 40th birthday on 'Return' and I'm in training for a repeat performance for my 50th.

Zimbabwe is a beautiful country and Kariba is one of its gems.  There's nothing quite so nice as puttering about on a little tender vessel along the shores of Matusadona National Park, cold Zambezi Lager in hand, watching animals.



pete said…
Hi Tony,

I have done that aboard a vessel called Kalai in 1996 and sleeping on the top deck listening to all the animal sounds with the Mutusadonna ranges as a background.

I had worked on the building of roads and buildings in the Kariba village in the late 1950s and then to spend a week on the water in a large vessel fishing and game watching was an unforgettable experiance.

Thoroughly enjoy your books can't wait for the next one.

Cheers Peter Pardey.