
What's the worst thing you reckon could happen to a number 2 bestelling writer (Australian fiction, for one week, 2009, T. Winton No.1) who spends six months of the year travelling and wrting in Africa?

Killed by a lion? Shot by poachers? Carjacked? Car fridge breakdown? Bitten by a black mamba? Hmm?

Actually it's none of those things (well... car fridge breakdown is actually a show-stopper and if I got close enough to a mamba to be bitten I'd probably have a heart attack and die...)

No... it's a laptop imploding.

Yes, just as I was finishing off non fiction book number 3 and starting novel number 9, the laptop went and died on me. In between pulling out the battery and sticking it back in again I managed to save the aforementioned books and a few other gems, but we're now on the back-up plan. I am using Mrs Blog's laptop.

With two of us sharing the computer at the moment there is little time for blogging or other social networking. And I can't even enter things like "sexy ladies in gorilla masks" in google any more, as she would find me out!

(Actually, I don't really go looking for sexy ladies in gorilla masks, but I know at least on of you does. I've got a site meter on this blog that tells me how people have stumbled upon our little world here - ie: random googling or if you come here direct. I've used the 'sexy ladies in gorilla masks' line once before and, not long after, I discovered some interloper had actually found the blog by typing that very thing into his/her search engine).

So, it's nothing but work, work, work for me, on our shared computer.

I can report that I am finally making some headway with novel number 9 and before my computer crashed I had managed to write a couple more semi serious blogs for the Getaway website and South African Tourism. These will be appearing soon and, if Mrs Blog lets me, I will point to them from here.

Also, we're heading back into the wilds of deepest, darkest no-internet land next week for a couple of weeks.

Be good, and don't forget, you can buy all your friends and relatives in the UK a cheap copy of SILENT PREDATOR for Christmas by going online.



Anonymous said…
Yikes! Sounds like a writers nightmare. Oh well, if the only words we have from you is those from the past, then we should be grateful, particularly for the wonderful images and memories you have left for us.

au revoir...
dozycow said…
That must have been terrible - thank goodness you saved your work !!

Simply loving all your photos,thank you & please keep them coming....
RobertLW said…
There's been nothing new added to the "sexy ladies in gorilla masks" website since November, so you haven't missed anything.
RobertLW said…
Actually, I just googled "sexy ladies in gorilla masks" - you'd be surprised what came up. And you are hit number 3!