Meerkats with pink collars?

Strange, but true. Read all about it on the South African Tourism blog where I'm an occasional guest, here.


naturesmark said…
Hey Tony

With you being so focussed on novel #9, I wondered if you had advice for authors who want to get novel #1 published and on the shleves? It's been 18 months in the making (early mornings and late nights after wiork) but 136,000 words later I have a draft: a kind of boy-meets-girl, girl-gets-kidnapped and fed to crocodiles, boys-gets-very annoyed kind of drama, plus some sunken gold and a lost Kimberly diamond thrown in the mix. Any advice greatly appreciated.
Trev said…
That was a great story . Almost spilled my beer while reading it.....more please!
naturesmark said…
Well Trev, what else can I say... It's primarily set on a coral island on the Great Barrier Reef, plus Cape York, and a bit in London and Switzerland. You quickly learn that turtle holes can be used for other purposes than just by turtle's for laying their eggs. But it also tries to solve the perennial question of whether two women can love one man at the same time.
Answer: They give it a good try!
tonypark said…
Naturesmark, my advice is:

Go hunt down a copy of 'On Writing, a Memoir of the Craft'by Stephen King. It's the best book in the world on how to write a novel.

REad it, and if you're satisfied you've done everything Stephen King instructs in his book, then you're probably ready to send it off to a publisher.

You've got to be in it to win it. Good luck!
RobertLW said…
Meerkats with pink collars - hilarious! Like to go there one day.
ali g said…
great story about the meerkats. almost spilled my beer too...
more please