Bom dia

Which means, i think, good morning in portuguese.
My iphone seems to have given up on facebook so i'm trying to blog from it now. Excuse the typos and lack of capitals (and words) as i'm using the infuriatingly tiny keyboard.

Mrs blog and i are now back in south africa after 10 lovely days on the beach in mozambique. I shall now attempt to post a pic or two.

Should they materialise they are, in whatever order and wherever they appear, of my 'office' overlooking the beach at ponta da barra near inhambane (the office being our campsite) and a fetching shot of a goat hitching a lift on a truck bound for the capital, maputo.


Varykino said…
Nice shots from the office out there on the beach. A rather friendly work environment is always a plus.
Good to hear AOK. g & k