Stop it Mr Blog, this is getting embarrassing.

No, I can't.... I can't help myself. What is the point of a blog if you can't be self-indulgent and use it as a thinly disguised means of self promotion?

I mean, come on, let's get serious here.

Number One, Legion of Fans (LOF). Numero Uno. This is the first time I have been number one anywhere.

OK: Reality check. I am number one at Collins Booksellers in North Sydney and this may, quite possibly, have something to do with the fact that they were the official bookseller at my recent drunken book launch, so their sales are skewed by some 60-odd copies.


A one is a one, and coming hard on the heals of my ranking as the second highest selling Australian fiction author last week (and that, LOF is from the exceptionally hunky-dory computers of Nielsen Bookscan), let us just say that Mr Blog is finding it hard to negotiate doorways this week, such is the size of his overinflated cranium.

But I am under no delusions of grandeur, LOF (well, not too many). As Bon Scott once said (in fact, as Bon Scott continues to say on an almost daily basis on Vega 95.3 FM, earning royalties in his grave), "it's a long way to the top". Except in North Sydney. And for that, I thank my very good friends at Collins Booksellers and, of course, your good selves.

Incidentally, my charming, witty, attractive, Grace Kelly-lookalike (when GK was alive and young) publisher, C, has taken to addressing me as "Number 2" in her emails. Which is a very nice way of bringing me down to earth, in a very nice way.


Tracey said…
Yesss! You SO deserve it! You're the hardest-working author I know (and I know a LOT). Now just wait until Tinseltown sits up and takes notice...